Saturday, March 1, 2008

All right...

So... I guess I lied about updating my blog every single day. Today is March 1st, Saturday, 2:41 AM, and my last entry was on Sunday. haha- I'll try to update more frequently, I promise.

So, I've been working on my LPs for the upcoming vinyl show that's due next month (the image just shows the beginning process of what I'm currently doing). I can't believe it's March already! Well, if you're in the NYC area, the gallery is located in LES (lower east side). And right next to it, there's this great Vietnamese sandwich place. A small, cozy place, and boyy do I bring this guy business! That's all I order there! Their sandwiches! Not a great place for big groups (5+), but hey... if you and your friends are on a TIGHT budget, and craving for some delish, sour dough, pork sandwich, I say you hit this place. It's 100x better than Pho Bang- once you try this place, you won't wanna go back to what you used to have.

Anyway! enough about food! Back to work!


Unknown said...

Can't wait to see your work! I want a little preview first before it goes up in the gallery ahahhaa...

anyhooz, my friends and i are starting our design group and we're using grafikspace as our name - since we had such a hard time coming up with one (they liked grafikspace sooo...). We started a design blog.

horay for art! lol

Jihyun said...
